Hereby, we are to inform you that your personal data will be used by PAGHERA GREEN SERVICE SOC. AGR. s.r.l. exclusively for installing certain services and/or communications. Your data would be communicated to other societies that collaborate with us, with the aim of achieving the purposes described during the collection of data by automated and non automated means, respecting the fundamental principles and according to Decree nr. 196 of 2003. 

Data will not be subject to dissemination. 
In order to avail of the rights stipulated in Article nr. 7 of Decree 196/2003 (access, correction, cancelling, opposition to the transaction, etc.) the clients should refer to, as indicated by previewed to PAGHERA GREEN SERVICE SOC. AGR. s.r.l. 

The holder of the transaction is: 
Via San Gregorio 44 - 20124 Milano (MI) ITALY
Tel. +39 030 9917811 - FAX +39 030 6391127
P. IVA 03157060983

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