Interior Design


From outside to inside the house, projects born for a garden or a balcony are gradually extended to the residence to create an “unicuum” between inside and outside. A sector that, in the last few years, has grown significantly inside Paghera Green Philosophy, thanks to the creative and planning contribution of a team of engineers, bio-architects and plant engineers coordinated by Anna and Gianfranco Paghera.Their specific experience and an innate sense of beauty have created suggestive residences and resorts. Welcoming places that invite to serenity and comfort, different in style, but always “tailor-made” around the life style of who lives in them.


It provides  the general vision of the use of spaces studying their functionality and fruition. It sharpens the ideal connections between their areas of pertinence, within a logic of comfort and quality of living, conjugated to aesthetics and the sense of the scene in  its  entirety. It defines the disposition of the furnishings without however entering in  details regarding materials and colours. It provides  an estimate for costs of realization, in order  to orientate possible corrections and changes tied to a precise budget.

Provides a detailed design including the choice of every single element that will compose the scene: selection of the floorings, finishings of  walls, furnishings, textiles, illumination. It provides a set of "Booklets of Materials " through which, for every single room, this selection is shown  in a clear and defined vision of style, colours and materials.  A job that is translated into the enclosed definitive budget of the whole realization.

It provides the executive sketches necessary for realizing the "custom-made"  elements destined to the scene. Technical and detailed drawings of particular pieces studied “ad hoc” to value the scene, to best exploit  the spaces, and personalize choices abandoning standards. These will be  quantified prior  the approval of the design development, when the entire scene has been studied in details in terms of style and finishings .

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