Social Initiatives

Our past has its roots in five generations of farmers. 
This has transmitted a fundamental value to us: the importance of "cultivating life". 
In every sense, in every way. 
And life, both for man and plants, is born from a seed.

The first seed was the idea...

A share of the resources coming from the success of the company is dedicated to supporting social causes.
In 1994, we created in Italy the first event entitled "The Research Azalea", in aid of the A.I.R.C. (Italian Association for Cancer Research). 
And during the following years: "A gesture of love" and "The solidarity fir" in aid of A.N.F.F.A.S. (National Association for Families of Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities) and "A blue fir", in aid of TELEFONO AZZURRO, which defends children's rights. 
These events gave life to a new way of fund-raising directly in the streets, but above all, awakened public opinion, reaching the hearts of a thousand people.

The second seed was thousands of seeds for environmental recovery...

Since then, we have promoted many initiatives. Among these, we particularly like to remember "Amazonia 501", in aid of the community of Belem, in the heart of the Amazon Forest, created together with Father Gianni Mometti, a missionary from Brescia. 
Gianfranco Paghera met him by chance during a trip to Pitinga, in Brazil, where he was dealing with the reforestation of areas destroyed by excavations of big opencast mines. 
Sharing the willingness and the typical concreteness of Brescia and the same goal of environmental recovery of degraded areas of Amazonia, they conceived and created, in 1992, the project "Amazonia 501".. 
This project is so named because it was born exactly 500 years after the discovery of America and in honour of the 1st year of reforestation. 
The establishment of a technological center for the preservation of seeds, the use of local labour for the collection of seeds of autochthonous species for the recovery of degraded areas, the reconstitution of natural coastal habitat and the improvement of cultures for the fruit industry, gave life to a process of restitution of resources to the Indian populations, getting 40,000 families out of poverty.

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