Green manager - Professional training
A new specialization course lasting two years is taking place. 

It has been planned and realized in collaboration with the Accademia delle Belle Arti Santa Giulia of Brescia, to train a professional figure that is new on the international scene, but is extremely necessary. 

The Green Manager. 

This is an expert in the eco-consistent designing of environments, who is able to exploit the energy and the resources of the territory, to analyze the markets of scientific and technological innovation and to move dynamically within them. 

The Green Manager is specialized in design strategies that vary from the planning of interior scenarios to the logics of urban development, from urban to landscape design, from plant design and home automation to the styles of setting and contextualization of residences in macro-settings. 

The course has a nucleus of theoretical-scientific lessons, and theoretical-practical laboratories, that take place both inside the Accademia Santa Giulia and at our headquarters.

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